Accord Software, Inc.

AccordSTAR CIDL Specification

AccordSTAR Generator treats C source code as an IDL specification, i.e. CIDL, pronounced seedle, which defines a set of named requests that a client may send to a server, and their respective responses that a client may receive from a server. The CIDL Specification thereby effectively forms the protocol between client and server.

The functions in the CIDL Specification file are known as IFCs, which abide by a simple set of rules implicitly. AccordSTAR Generator uses these rules to generate client stub, server stub, the common IPC code. Your IFCs effectively form the API between client and server. The functions that you put in the CIDL file effectively defines the partition between client and server.

Look at CIDL Tutorials to see how to exchange practical data structure such as doubly linked lists, tree, tables, array, etc. between client and server with ease.

Since there is no new IDL to learn, you can start developing distributed applications with AccordSTAR immediately.
[P-008] Updated March 14, 1996
Copyright © 1993-1996 Accord Software, Inc. All rights reserved.